We collaborate with community organisations that make a significant impact, improving the present and future for many New Zealanders.

As well as being passionate about reducing our impact on the planet, we are equally committed to driving better long-term outcomes for the many communities we are part of. 

Our vision of a better future sees the communities we live in thriving. And that’s why we support our staff to volunteer in the community and why we foster long-term community partnerships with quality organisations like Variety, The Spirit of Adventure Trust, Surf Lifesaving clubs (Red Beach, Hot Water Beach, Lyall Bay, Taylors Mistake and St Clair), Keystone Trust and many more.

These are all organisations whose values align with ours and who, like us, work hard to ensure a better future for more New Zealanders. Our support of them helps them have an even greater positive impact on their communities.  

Our partners have very different needs so our financial support spans a range of requirements including but not limited to funding;

  • operational equipment for surf life saving clubs;
  • buying every-day necessities like blankets, pyjamas and bedding packs for children and families who don’t have their own beds; 
  • subsidising personal development voyages on the Spirit of Adventure; and
  • supporting specific events like Christmas parties for children.

Ultimately, we hope our that our support of these incredible organisations contributes to better outcomes for those in the communities we are all a part of.

Supporting Communities

Click here to view all our community partners, learn about them and their people, their successes and how they help build a better future for New Zealanders.

Looking for a quality property?

Are you looking for space to help grow your business and allow your people to thrive? Check out our properties currently available for lease or under development. 

23 Customs Street
23 Customs Street Auckland
105 Carlton Gore Road
105 Carlton Gore Road Auckland
101 Carlton Gore Road
101 Carlton Gore Road Auckland
39 Market Place
39 Market Place
147 Lambton Quay
147 Lambton Quay Wellington
DEVELOPMENT - 224 Neilson Street
DEVELOPMENT - 224 Neilson Street Auckland
DEVELOPMENT - 8-14 Mt Richmond Drive
DEVELOPMENT - 8-14 Mt Richmond Drive Auckland
FootPrint Auckland